
5. Engine

ZMZ-4025,-4026 engines
 Case details of the engine
 Krivoshipno-shatunny mechanism
 Gas-distributing mechanism
 Engine lubrication system
 System of ventilation of a case
 Cooling system
 Power supply system
 System of recirculation of the fulfilled gases
 System of production of the fulfilled gases
 Engine mount
 Features of maintenance of the engine
 Diagnostics of technical condition of the engine and its possible malfunctions
 Possible malfunctions of the engine
 Repair of the engine 
UMZ-4215S engines *, UMZ-42150 *
 Head of cylinders 
 Krivoshipno-shatunny mechanism 
 Gas-distributing mechanism 
 Lubrication system 
 System of ventilation of a case, depression regulator 
 Cooling system 
 Power supply system 
 System of recirculation of the fulfilled gases 
 System of production of the fulfilled gases 
 Diagnostics of technical condition of the engine. Possible malfunctions of the engine 
 Repair of the engine 
ZMZ-4061, ZMZ-4063 engines 
 Case details 
 Krivoshipno-shatunny mechanism 
 Gas-distributing mechanism 
 Engine lubrication system 
 System of ventilation of a case 
 Cooling system 
 Power supply system 
 System of recirculation of the fulfilled gases 
 Features of maintenance of the engine 
 Diagnostics of technical condition of the engine 
 Repair of the engine