5.3. ZMZ-4061, ZMZ-4063 engines
Fig. 4.110. Engines of fashion. ZMZ-4061 and ZMZ-4063 (look on the left side): 1 — a drain stopper; 2 — an oil case; 3 — a final collector; 4 — an engine support arm; 5 — the crane of discharge of cooling liquid; 6 — the water pump; 7 — the sensor of emergency temperature of cooling liquid; 8 — the sensor of the index of temperature of cooling liquid; 9 — the sensor of a temperature condition of the engine; 10 — the thermostat case; 11 — the sensor of emergency pressure of oil; 12 — the sensor of the index of pressure of oil; 13 — the index (probe) of level of oil; 14 — the ignition coil
Fig. 4.112. Cross-section of engines of fashion. ZMZ-4061 and ZMZ-4063: 1 — an oil case; 2 — the receiver of the oil pump; 3 — the oil pump; 4 — the drive of the oil pump; 5 — a gear wheel of an intermediate shaft; 6 — the block of cylinders; 7 — an inlet pipe; 8 — ventilation branch pipes; 9 — the camshaft of inlet valves; 10 — the inlet valve; 11 — a cover of valves; 12 — the camshaft of final valves; 13 — the index (probe) of level of oil; 14 — a valve hydropusher; 15 — an external spring of the valve; 16 — the directing valve plug; 17 — the final valve; 18 — a head of the block of cylinders; 19 — a final collector; 20 — the piston; 21 — a piston finger; 22 — a rod; 23 — a bent shaft; 24 — a rod cover; 25 — a cover of the radical bearing; 26 — a drain stopper; 27 — the pusher case; 28 — the directing plug; 29 — the compensator case; 30 — a lock ring; 31 — the compensator piston; 32 — the ball valve; 33 — a spring of the ball valve; 34 — the case of the ball valve; 35 — a razzhimny spring
Fig. 4.111. Engines of fashion. ZMZ-4061 and ZMZ-4063 (look on the right side): 1 — a synchronization disk; 2 — the synchronization sensor; 3 — an oil filter; 4 — a starter; 5 — the detonation sensor; 6 — a tube of discharge of cooling liquid from a heater; 7 — an inlet pipe; 8 — a gidronatyazhitel of a chain; 9 — the generator; 10 — a generator belt; 11 — a pulley of the water pump; 12 — a tension roller; 13 — a gasoline pump
ZMZ-4061 engines, ZMZ-4063 — carburetor, four-cylinder, line with a microprocessor control system of ignition. The general view of engines is shown in fig. 4.110, 4.111. The cross-section of engines is shown in fig. 4.112.
The main design features of engines are top (in a head of cylinders) an arrangement of two camshafts with installation of four valves on the cylinder (two inlet and two final), increase in extent of compression to 9,3 at the expense of the combustion chamber with the central arrangement of a candle.
These technical solutions allowed to increase the maximum power and the maximum torque, to cut fuel consumption and to reduce toxicity of the fulfilled gases.
The pig-iron block of cylinders without plug-in sleeves having high rigidity and stabler gaps in couples of friction is used to increase in reliability on the engine the piston stroke to 86 mm is reduced, the mass of the piston and a piston finger is reduced, better materials are applied to a bent shaft, rods, bolts of rods, piston fingers, etc.
The drive of camshafts — chain, two-level, with automatic hydraulic natyazhitel of chains; application of hydropushers of the valvate mechanism excludes need of adjustment of gaps.
Use of hydraulic devices and forsirovka of the engine demand quality purification of oil therefore in the engine the full-line oil filter of the increased efficiency is applied ("superfilter") of single use. The additional filtering element of the filter excludes hit of the crude oil in the engine at launch of the cold engine and a contamination of the basic filtering element.
The drive of auxiliary units (the pump of cooling liquid and the generator) is carried out by a flat poliklinovy belt.
On the engine diaphragm coupling with the ellipsnonavity overlays of the conducted disk having high durability is established.
The microprocessor control system of ignition allows to correct an ignition advancing corner, including in the parameter of detonations at the changing power setting that allows to provide necessary indicators — power, economic and toxicity of the fulfilled gases.