10.1.5. Tension regulator
Fig. 9.15. Electric circuit of the regulator of tension and its connection with the generator: R1 — the MLT resistor 68-220 kOhm (is selected at adjustment); R2 — the MLT resistor 220 kOhm; R3, R13 — MLT resistors 10 kOhm; R4, R11, R12 — MLT resistors 3,3 kOhm; R5 — the MLT resistor of 820 Ohms; R6, R10 — MLT resistors of 470 Ohms; R7 — the MLT resistor of 51 Ohms; R8 — the MLT resistor of 1,3 Ohms; R9 — the MLT resistor of 430 Ohms; R14 — the MLT resistor of 100 Ohms; C1, C2 — K73 condensers — 24B-100B-0,1 мкФ; SZ — the K50-29-160B-4.7 condenser мкФ; C4 — the K73-21B-160B-2.2 condenser мкФ; L1 — a throttle; V1 — D818B stabilitron; V2 — the KT361B transistor; V3 — the KT315B transistor; V4 — the KT3107B transistor; V5 — the KD522B diode; V6 — the KT850A transistor; V7 — the KD208A diode; V8 — the KT819G transistor; V9 — the KD209A diode; 1 — the ignition switch; 2 — the plug; 3 — the fuse on 60A; 4 — the rechargeable battery; 5 — the generator; 6 — tension regulator
The generator works together with the contactless transistor regulator of tension 13.3702 — 01 * (fig. 9.15).
* The regulator of tension 50.3702 can be installed on parts of cars.
Measuring element of the regulator is the stabilitron of VI operating transistors. The output transistor changes current (average value) in a chain of a winding of excitement of the generator and by that supports generator tension in the set limits.
Technical characteristic of the regulator of tension
Adjustable tension has to be 13,8 — 14,5B at a chastrta of rotation of the generator from 2800 to 12 000 min.-1, loading from 5 to 40 And; to temperature from-20 to +80 °C.
Power failure on conclusions "Ш" and "-" the regulator at current 4 A in a chain of a winding of excitement and to temperature of 20 °C is no more than 1,6 Century.
The regulator of tension has protection against possible short circuit in an excitement winding chain.
Maintenance and repair
Maintenance of the regulator of tension consists in check of its parameters. Check can directly be made on the car or at the stand. For check it is necessary to have the voltmeter of a direct current with a scale to 20 — 30 V and at the cost of division of 0,1 — 0,2 Century.
With an average frequency of rotation of the engine (1700 — 2000 min.-1) to turn on passing beam and on this mode to make measurement of tension. Tension on a conclusion "+" the regulator of tension has to be 13,8 — 14,5 In at a temperature of regulator of 20 °C.
If when checking the regulator of tension the indication of the voltmeter does not keep within the limits stated above, the regulator of tension should be replaced.
The condition of an electrical wiring between the generator, the regulator of tension and the rechargeable battery, and also reliability of their connection with the case very much is important for normal work of system of the generator and the regulator of tension.
Therefore before finding malfunctions in operation of the generator or regulator of tension, it is necessary to check carefully a condition of the specified electrical wiring and correctness of connection of wires. The defects found when checking conducting (wire breakage, isolation violation, short circuits, pollution of tips etc.) have to be eliminated.
Lack of charging current can be caused by operation of electronic protection of the regulator of tension in case of short circuit in a chain of a winding of excitement of the generator. After elimination of short circuit operation of the regulator is automatically restored.
Fig. 9.16. Scheme of check of the regulator of tension: 1 — the generator; 2 — the index of current; 3 — the voltmeter; 4 — tension regulator; 5, 6 — switches; 7 — the load resistor; 8 — the rechargeable battery
Repair and adjustment of the regulator of tension have to be made by qualified specialists. The E242 test bench is for this purpose necessary or to manufacture the stand equipped with the electric motor for rotation of the generator 161.3701 with smooth change of frequency to 3000 min.-1, the rechargeable battery, the resistor (lamp or wire) for creation of current loading to 20 A and the device for check of semiconductor devices. The scheme of the elementary stand for check of the regulator of tension is shown in fig. 9.16.
For check it is necessary to turn on the switch 5 and to smoothly increase the frequency of rotation of the generator up to 3000 min.-1. Then to turn on the switch 6 and the resistor 7 to create loading 20 A according to the index of current 2. Tension regulated by the regulator will show the voltmeter 3.
If when checking at the stand the regulator of tension gives the overestimated or underestimated tension, selection of the R1 resistor (see fig. 9.15) to achieve adjustable tension within 13,8 — 14,5 In at a temperature of regulator of 25 °C. If the regulator does not provide normal excitement of the generator, check power failure size on conclusions "Ш" and "-" tension regulator at current in a chain of a winding of excitement 4 A. Power failure should not exceed 1,6 Century. Excessive power failure indicates malfunction of the regulator.
Fig. 9.17. The scheme of check of power failure in tension regulator: 1 — tension regulator; 2, 3 — switches; 4 — the index of current; 5 — the resistor; 6 — the rechargeable battery; 7 — the voltmeter
The scheme of check of the regulator of tension is shown in fig. 9.17. Before turning on of the switch the resistor 5 has to have resistance of 4 Ohms.
After establishment of current 4 A according to the index of current 4 to turn on the switch 3. The voltmeter 7 has to show tension no more than 1,6 Century.
If the regulator does not regulate generator tension, then first of all it is necessary to check a stabilitron, and then other semiconductor devices. If the regulator does not provide normal excitement of the generator (current does not come to an excitement winding chain), then first of all it is necessary to check the output transistor and if necessary the others.
Faulty semiconductor devices are subject to replacement.