
9.10.10. Brake pedal

The full speed of a pedal of a brake has to be not less than 150 mm.

Fig. 8.12. Pedal of working brakes: 1 — the braking signal switch; 2 and 3 — nuts; 4 — the persistent platform of a pedal; 5 — the forelock; 6 — plastic plugs

Adjustment of position of the switch 1 (fig. 8.12) of a signal of braking is carried out by installation of a gap (8±1) of mm between an end face of a carving part of the switch and the persistent platform 4 pedals by means of nuts 2 and 3.
The free wheeling of a pedal of a brake at the serviceable brake system and the idle engine has to make 3 — 5 mm (it is checked by pressing a pedal a hand). The pedal of a brake has to freely, without jammings to turn on an axis and to come back to a starting position. At hard movement it is recommended to grease plastic plugs 6 with graphitic lubricant.