
8.3.3. Couple gearing adjustment a nut — the sector of the steering mechanism

The gap in gearing of working couple is considered admissible if the side play on the lower end of a bipod at the provision of wheels for the movement on a straight line at the adjusted bearings of the screw is no more, than 0,3 mm. If the side play surpasses this size, then it is necessary to make couple gearing adjustment a nut — the sector as operation of the car with an excessive side play leads to failure of the steering mechanism.
Sequence of operations of check of gearing of couple following:

Fig. 7.2. Steering mechanism: In — an edge on the top cover; With — risk at a screw end face; 1 — a case; 2 — the screw with a ball nut; 3 — a shaft sector; 4 — a stopper of a jellied opening; 5 — adjusting laying; 6 — a nut; 7 — the forelock; 8 — a fork; 9 — a cover; 10 — a wedge; 11 — a sealant of a steering shaft; 12 — the driveshaft; 13 — a sealing ring; 14 — a lock ring; 15 — an external ring of the bearing of a shaft sector; 16 — a shaft sector sealant; 17 — a cover; 18 — a bipod; 19 — a side cover; 20 — a stopper

- to put wheels in position of the movement on a straight line and dovoroty a steering wheel to combine to risk "With" (fig. 7.2) at a screw end face with an edge "In" top covers 9 (risk "With" has to be below);
- to disconnect longitudinal steering draft from a bipod;
- shaking a bipod a hand, to define a side play on its end (at the same time the axial side play of the screw should not be felt). If the side play of a bipod is more than 0,3 mm, to make adjustment of gearing of couple in the following order:
• to remove the steering mechanism from the car;
• to take out two stoppers 20 on a case around a shaft sector;
• to disconnect a bipod 18, to remove two covers 17 and 19 and a spongy sealant of the 16th shaft sector;
• to straighten to hole small beards on bearings of a shaft sector 3;
• to make adjustment of gearing of a nut with the sector by simultaneous turn of external rings 15 in case openings clockwise from vents on a shaft sector. At adjustment to exclude a possibility of distortions of a shaft sector in external rings (the wrong orientation of eccentricities of bearings).
The moment of turn of the screw on the adjusted mechanism has to be 1 — 1,8 N · m (10 — 18 kgfs · cm):
- to fix shaft sector bearings from a pro-collar, having unbent a fillet on bearings in openings on a case;
- to repeatedly check the moment of turn of the screw and a side play on the end of a steering bipod;
- to establish two stoppers 20 on a case, a spongy sealant of the 16th shaft sector (having greased it and a shaft sector under it solid oil), two covers 17 and 19 and a bipod 18;
- to install the steering mechanism on the car;
- to connect longitudinal steering thirst for a bipod and to zashplintovat a finger.

On new steering mechanisms the moment of turn of the screw is increased (for compensation extra earnings of details) to 1,8±0,35 N · m (18±3,5 kgfs · by cm).