7.2.2. Installation of tires
Before installation of tires it is necessary to check a condition of rims, tires and cameras. The rim has to be the correct form, without dents, cracks and corrosion. Boards of a tire have to be pure, without damages and zadir. The camera and an internal part of a tire before installation should be powdered talc or cretaceous powder.
Order of installation of the tire on a wheel following:
• to establish a tire vertically, to take a wheel so that a wheel disk and consequently, and a valve opening in a rim, were turned towards a tire;
• to partially insert a wheel into a tire so that the board of a tire was in deepening of a rim (see fig. 6.15).
• to put a tire with a wheel on a floor a disk up and by means of assembly shovels gradually to bring a tire board to a rim of a wheel (fig. 6.16).
It is not necessary to try to obtain a tire board prileganiye to the zakrayena of a rim as it is interfered by a ring ledge хамп on a wheel rim. To turn a wheel in a tire so that the tag of an easy part of a tire was about a valve opening of a disk (the tag is executed on a tire sidewall in the form of the circle with a diameter of 5 — 10 mm put with indelible paint);
• wringing out the top board of a tire, to install the camera gate in an opening on a rim, and then all camera in a tire (fig. 6.17). For deduction of the gate in a rim opening on it it is necessary to install the extender;
• to place partially top board of a tire which is from the opposite side from the gate in deepening of a rim and then by means of assembly shovels to put all board of a tire on a rim it is similar to the first board;
• to pump up the tire. It is allowed to make temporary increase in pressure of air in the tire to 5,9 kPa (5,9 kgfs/cm2) with finishing for landing of boards of the tire to a rim of a wheel it to norm after landing of boards.