
11.2. Repair of a body

Damages of components of a body are in use possible: gaps, cracks, dents, deformation of details. At repair of details of a body after tea leaves of cracks on a reverse side of a defective part the local amplifier from sheet steel has to be welded by thickness equal to thickness of metal of the repaired detail. Welding seams have to be carried out in the direction, perpendicular to a crack in a detail.
At damage of a paint and varnish covering the defective site of a surface is cleared of pollution by a skin, degreased white spirit and tinted synthetic enamel of hot drying or nitroenamel. Synthetic enamel dry a reflector, and nitroenamel — on air not less than 1 — 2 p.
Sites of considerable damage (to metal) before coloring enamel a kraskoraspylitel or a soft brush GF-073 or NTs-81 soil with the subsequent subdrying on air during 1 h. Before primer the damaged places wipe with the napkin moistened in white spirit. At damage of a film of paint to soil the polished and fat-free place is tinted only enamel. Opyl received when coloring the defective place eliminate with polishing manually by means of polishing paste. At damage of a covering of the bottom the damaged surface is smoothed out and coated with BPM-1 mastic or No. 579 or other anticorrosive mastics.