
11.1. Features of maintenance of a body

Care of a paint and varnish covering.
The body of the car is painted by synthetic enamels of hot drying. The correct care of coloring of a body consists in a timely sink with use of automobile shampoos, and also in periodic processing of external surfaces polishing pastes. Polish the painted surface in the mechanized way or manually a soft flannel tampon with the subsequent rubbing by pure flannel fabric. It is not recommended to dust a cabin (body) manually. At a sink of a body use of sea water, soda, kerosene, gasoline is not allowed.
Care of rubber sealants
Care of rubber sealants consists in wiping of sealants the soft fabric moistened in technical glycerin which deletes the gray raid which is formed as a result of release of sulfur.
Care of glass. To apply special liquids to increase in overall performance of windscreen washer.