11. Car body
The body of a motor van of GAZ-2705 all-metal, triple, is equipped with a heater, a washer and a screen wiper of a wind window, antisolar peaks, a plafond of internal lighting, a hand-rail, pockets in the doorway for the first-aid kit and documents, a guard of devices with the necessary number of devices and signaling devices, seats, seat belts and other devices and devices.
Rice. 10.1. Cabin partition: 1 — the top panel of a partition; 2 — the shelf of a partition; 3 — the lower panel of a partition; 4 — a mortgage nut; 5 — the self-cut screw
The partition of a cabin (fig. 10.1) — metal, continuous, has a window (is established by request) with movable glass. The partition fastens to body racks self-cut screws, the shelf of a partition fastens to roof laths bolts.
The thermonoise isolation of a cabin consists of the formed multilayered details of isolation of a guard of a front, rugs of a floor and polyurethane foam details pasted on the formed upholsteries of a roof and a partition of a cabin.
The closed surfaces of sidewalls and the basis of a body are processed by vibration-absorbing BPM-1 mastic for noise reduction and protection against corrosion. Anticorrosive processing consists in phosphate coating and the subsequent priming of a body. After primer and putting mastic external and internal surfaces are enameled two layers of ML-12 or ML-1110.
Tightness of a body is provided with application of rubber sealants of doors, hatches, glasses of doors, elements of electric equipment, levers, drives of engine management and chassis units. Glass of a wind window is pasted to an aperture by Terostat-8590 glue.
The body consists of in advance subcollected knots: bases, right and left sidewalls, front, roof, back. At assembly welding they form the power framework based on box-shaped sections. Apertures of forward doors are executed in tselnoshtampovanny sidewalls. Apertures of side and back doors compound, are formed when welding a body in conductors.
Part of details of plumage — removable. The top panel of facing of a radiator with the lock of a cowl and wings fasten to a body bolts. The cowl is established on the rotary loops fixed on a front guard by bolts.
Fig. 10.2. Fastening of a body to a frame: 1 — a nut; 2 — a washer; 3, 8 and 11 — an arm; 4 — a pillow; 5 — the expansion plug; 6 and 9 — bolts; 7 — a cap; 10 — laying of an average cross-piece
The body fastens to a frame (fig. 10.2) in ten points through rubber pillows and laying (six points of elastic fastening: two on forward longerons frames in podkapotny space; two under a body cabin; two in a back part of salon; and four points of semifixed fastening: in salon, around back nadkolesny niches). Elements of fastening of a body in salon are closed by caps.
Forward doors of a cabin consist of the external and internal panel, the hinged amplifier who is carrying out a role of a protective bar from side blow, and a connector. On the internal panel of a door the window regulator, the lock, the drive of opening of the lock closed by the formed upholstery are fixed. On a door are mounted motionless and lowering flew down. The side door and back doors consist of external and internal panels and amplifiers. Locks and their drives are in the doorway mounted. Consolidation of doorways is carried out by rubber sealants of the closed section.
The formed cabin partition upholstery consisting from top and two side upholsteries and upholstery are roofed outside by nonwoven fabric like "малифлис". Other upholsteries, the dashboard and floorings of footboards from polypropylene. Fastening of upholsteries is made by means of plastic percussion caps or the self-cut screws and flange nuts.
In a cabin seats are established: single for the driver and double for passengers. The seat of the driver has the adjustment mechanism on a pillow tilt angle, a tilt angle of a back and longitudinal movement. The seat of passengers of adjustments has no. All seats are equipped with seat belts; extreme places — humeral three-point with inertial coils, internal (central) — zone point-to-point.
Belts with inertial coils do not need adjustment, individual adjustment of its length is necessary for zone belts — the zone strap has to adjoin to hips densely. Change of length of a strap is carried out by the regulator.
At pollution of straps they need to be cleared soap solution. It is forbidden to iron straps the iron.
Belts are subject to obligatory replacement new if they underwent critical loading in the road accident or have attritions, gaps or other damages.
The Podkapotny space is formed by power details of a front, casings of headlights, racks of a radiator and longerons of a cabin. They are connected among themselves by spot welding and form rigid spatial power system. In podkapotny space on details of a body the accumulator, details and knots of electric equipment, cooling system of the engine, drive of a brake, coupling and an accelerator, a screen wiper etc. are fixed. On radiator racks through elastic elements the engine cooling system radiator is established. Radiator racks, for rigidity giving to the power scheme of plumage, by means of bolts are connected by the removable top panel of facing of a radiator. From above the podkapotny space is closed by the cowl consisting of internal and external panels. The angle of opening of a cowl to 74 °.
The body of a motor van of GAZ-2705 of "Kombi" unlike a body of GAZ-2705 is equipped:
- back row of passenger seats;
- the additional heater of a cabin located behind a seat of passengers of a forward row;
- the ventilating and light hatch of a roof over a back row of seats;
- a flat partition between a cabin and cargo salon (behind a back row of seats);
- original upholsteries of a roof, sidewalls, doors;
- original rugs and flooring;
- an additional window in the left sidewall and a window in a side door with motionless glasses.
Seats and seat belts of a forward row are similar to GAZ-2705 specified for a motor van. The back row of seats consists of two double seats. Extreme seats are equipped with humeral three-point seat belts with inertial coils, internal seats — zone point-to-point.
Landing of passengers to a back row of seats is carried out through a side (movable) door.
Fig. 10.3. Cabin partition: 1 — partition panels; 2 and 3 — partitions are resistant; 4, 5 and 6 — amplifiers of a partition
The partition of a cabin (fig. 10.3) — metal, continuous, consists of panels, racks of a partition 2 and 3, amplifiers 4, 5 and 6.
The original formed cabin roof upholsteries on a design are similar specified for the GAZ car - 2705. Upholsteries of sidewalls, a side door and a partition flat — from DVP fitted by vinyl artificial leather.
Flooring of a back part of a cabin is made of the laminated plywood, fixed on a framework from metal beams and carpeted from linoleum (avtolin).
The polypropylene flooring of a footboard is supplied with the switched-off illumination lamp.
The body of buses is structurally similar to a motor van body with a triple cabin and has difference in a design of flooring of salon (depending on quantity of seats and planning), and also a design of a partition (low).
By buses of general purpose on 12 (13) places the partition is not established.
Buses are completed with two types of belts: three-point with inertial coils — at the driver, passengers of single and extreme places of seats and point-to-point zone — at passengers of average places of the seats and seats turned back (a compartment arrangement). Adjustment of belts is carried out according to specified for the GAZ car - 2705. By buses on 6 (7) — 8 (9) places the zone belts with the automatic coil of taking-up of a strap which are not demanding manual adjustment of its length can be established.
For providing a normal microclimate the additional heater established on a floor behind a passenger seat of a cabin or in a forward part of passenger salon is entered into system of heating. On a roof the ventilating and light hatch is installed.
Fig. 10.4. Scheme of shift of seats: 1 and 2 — seats of a compartment arrangement; 3 — a little table; 4 and 5 — the seats established over arches of wheels; And — the provision of a seat 1 (In — the provision of a seat 2) after their shift
By part of buses (except buses on 12/13 places) in passenger salon the little table of 3 (fig. 10.4) is established. The little table and elements of its fastening can be attached to the bus for installation by the consumer.
In inside of buses on 8 (9) places the possibility of shift of seats of 1 and 2 compartment arrangements and their seat belts is provided in provisions A and B.
For shift:
- to remove a little table 3, having turned off bolts of its fastening to a board of salon and screws of fastening of a rack of a little table to a floor, to close an opening of a floor the enclosed cap and to fix it by screws of fastening of a rack;
- to turn off bolts of fastening of supports of seats 1 and 2 to a body floor (for access to the specified bolts it is necessary to remove decorative plastic caps of support of racks of supports, previously having shifted them in the horizontal direction), to turn off bolts of fastening of a support of a seat 1 to an arm of a board of salon;
- to remove zone seat belts of seats;
- to turn off bolts of fastening of seats to supports and to disconnect seats from supports;
- 2 to fix a seat on a support of a seat 1, and 1 to fix a seat on a support of a seat 2,
- to remove caps of new points of fastening of supports of seats on a floor and a board of salon;
- to remove an arm of fastening of a support of a seat onboard salon and to establish it on new points of fastening;
- to remove the decorative slip closing a seat belt rack and to install the coil, the top guide and the lower ear of a three-point seat belt (it is put in a set) to appropriate places of a board of salon — by analogy with installation of elements of a seat belt of a seat 5. At installation of the coil of a seat belt it is necessary to be convinced that the thorn of a rack entered a fiksatsionny opening of the coil, and at installation of the top guide of a belt, to be convinced that the tape of a belt is easily unwound from the coil;
- to establish a seat 2 with a support in situation B, to fix a support by bolts to an arm of a board and semi-salon; to establish and fix the seat belt lock (the red button outside) on the right side of a back part of a support of a seat;
- to establish elements of a zone belt on a support of a seat 1 that the lock of a belt settled down on the right side in a back part of a seat and to establish a seat 1 in situation A, having fixed by bolts its support to a floor of salon;
- to establish caps and decorative overlays for appropriate places.
The moment of an inhaling of bolts of fastening of elements of seat belts, bolts of fastening of supports of seats and arm of a board of salon has to be within 25 — 30 N · m (2,5 — 3,0 kgfs · м).
Except the specified shift of seats 1 and 2 in inside of the bus the possibility of replacement with places of a back row of seats with seats 4 and 5 is provided (in this case access for passengers to back seats is provided through back doors of the bus).